How to Wear Your Earrings with Your Glasses

How to Wear Your Earrings with Your Glasses

This is a question that many of you ask me.

First, I want to share with you the general rule and then 3+1 Sparkle Tips that you will love!!!

The general rule suggests maintaining balance, harmony, and proportion among accessories around your face. Earrings should not compete with glasses, necklaces, etc.

3 + 1 Sparkle Tips:

  1. Play and have fun with your style and personality. If you like colors and earrings of different shapes, sizes, and colors, play with them without fear.

  2. Your glasses, red lips, and small silver or gold earrings will bring light to your face and make you look super chic and interesting.

  3. A semi-messy updo is another trick you can consider to showcase your glasses and jewelry.

  4. Just remember, less is more.

Stay Sparkly!

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